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Debatable: which one between money and love

Which one between money and love in your words?


Some people got lots of joy when they found the two things of those. How could if one of us have one and do not have another one, would you feel happy? Recently, some students in my class got some questions from other students they asked their background and education in the first but they continue to discuss. In last, they interested to discuss how important between money and love are.

In my point of view, if we faced two choices like this, of course we have to decide which the most important one, although the things are important. Let me give my opinion in this case, I would choose "love" in this chance, did you know, why? Yes, of course. I do believe that love will make every single person earns money, because they believe too that the one and only thing will make everybody smile and angry is love, make them happy and cry is love make them struggle and regret is love, then I just want to say that love is everything to begin my lovely lively life.

Next point I will say the one and only thing will drive you crazy is a love. As we knew who did not know about love. Such as love for family, friends and everything. I will show you how amazing love is. If you come to your mom, did she ask you how much money do you have? Of course, no! They just said I do hope you will be allright! I do not need your money but I just want to see your smile in your happiness. Does it not show you how amazing love is.


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