What is the "DATA" saved on internet?
Written By: Senggol
Some students asked me in couple of times ago to answer their question about data on the internet. I just tell them that something such as a text in the paper, music or audio you've been playing, video that you've been watching and picture or image that you've seen we called as data.These short explanations that I made for them to understand what kind of data they used to increase their knowledge.
Text is a data that was made from several word processors such as notepad, wordPad and Microsoft Office Word, and others. Text data has many extensions such as, *.txt, *.html, *.xml, *.doc, *.docx, *.pdf, *.chm, and others. To make this data we used to write or type by using keyboard on the programs I mentioned above. Some programs in computer have feature to write or type a text.
Music or audio is a data that made from composer their record from their band equipment such as guitar, piano, drum, melody, and some music tools. We also probably could make this data type, we can use some programs called MAGIX Music Maker and others.These are some music or audio extensions that you have to know. *.MP3 *.WAV, *.AIFF, *.AU or *.raw, *.PCM and others.
Video or Audio Visual is a data have taken from video recorder or cam recorder, such as movie, video clip and more. If you have known yet about how look like video is I recommend you to visit Youtube site to watch billion videos that was uploaded. These are some video extensions: *.MP4, *.AVI, *.WMV, *.FLV, *.MKV and more.
An Image or Picture or generally we called photo is a data was taken from camera, nowadays every single person owns their own camera for several purposes including you isn't it? An image usually has many image editor programs for further we can combine with an android device they have been supported by many photo editor programs such as picStory, photo editor and more. Here are some extensions from an image file, *.JPG, *.JPEG, *.PNG, *.GIF, *.BMP and more.
How to save the data into my computer?
To save some data into your computer or your device you need to understand what is copy and paste procedure, it would help you to move or copy everything into your device. Generally, all of data saved in some device that you used to take or make the data automatically, for instance, a text data, if you've been typing a passage or letter in your computer the program you used to make the passage will save automatically into your hard drive folder, technically the data will be saved into you documents folder. For several device as peripheral such as video or camcorder or camera you have to move by using USB cable if you want see your pictures in a computer, it means you have to own some way to copy or move your data into your computer.
How to search the data in limited time?
This question written for several person who didn't have any technology devices. If you didn't have any devices for example, camera or video or text composer, you probably focus in this paragraph. First thing that you have to know is where everyone got the nice pictures or musics or videos, in my view they got everything what they need is on the internet, including if you want to look for wife. Internet is a large virtual world you can do and search everything you need. You need a Search Engine to find what you look for, such as google, yahoo, Bing and etc. Next, you have to understand how to use Internet in order to save your money, because we all knew to use internet we have to spent our money. If you have limited money and time to use internet I will share you how to do it that I got from several sources from internet to. Here are some steps that you follow due to achieve your goals. First, we need an internet connection to browse everything on the internet then we need a browser too, to safe our time and enjoy the virtual world, last you need a skill to use this one. The smart way I've tried in my adventures I just type some text to search on the internet, it means when I need an article about "drug" I just type on the search engine then I will get the result from the search engine. In other side when I got the limited time and money of course I will be in hurry so I use tricky ways to get my data. I usually ask the search engine by using text like this "index of" ([dot]file_name_extension|[dot]file_name_extension) to make it easy I've attached a screen shoot.
Those all my experience in using internet, so I'll share everything I knew for everyone didn't know.
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