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[earn money] Youtube will pay your videos

Many people looks for real web will pay their content . Started from affiliate program, member get member program, sell an ads, buy a keyword, write SEO content and more.  By: senggol bacok Nowadays, million people change their direction from writing a content move to create a video and upload theirs to the web called Youtube. Here are several tips you have to own to get paid from youtube.

[Tips and Trick] Find any datas with tricky ways (mencari data di internet dengan tips cepat)

What is the "DATA" saved on internet? Written By : Senggol Some students asked me in couple of times ago to answer their question about data on the internet. I just tell them that something such as a text in the paper, music or audio you've been playing, video that you've been watching and picture or image that you've seen we called as data.These short explanations that I made for them to understand what kind of data they used to increase their knowledge. Text is a data that was made from several word processors such as notepad, wordPad and  Microsoft Office Word, and others. Text data has many extensions such as, *.txt, *.html, *.xml, *.doc, *.docx, *.pdf, *.chm, and others. To make this data we used to write or type by using keyboard on the programs I mentioned above. Some programs in computer have feature to write or type a text.

[Appreciation] Best 10 Western songs that changed my live!

Have you ever heard someone inspired by song? Written by: Senggol  When I was 19 years old I bought any western songs such as Metallica, Guns and Roses, Scorpion, Air Supply and Etc. Something that you had to know guys, that I am Indonesian with my mother tounge is "Sundanesse" how could I can speak English or listen well? Because I did NOT attend to school since I graduated from Secondary School. But, as Special creation of god, I tried as strong as I can, I began from a shampoo wrap and a small dictionary titled "Kamus lengkap satu milyar Bahasa Inggris - Bahasa Indonesia,” in Bahasa, in English "One Billion English - Indonesian Complete Dictionary" maybe...

Debatable: which one between money and love

Which one between money and love in your words? Some people got lots of joy when they found the two things of those. How could if one of us have one and do not have another one, would you feel happy? Recently, some students in my class got some questions from other students they asked their background and education in the first but they continue to discuss. In last, they interested to discuss how important between money and love are.

Download Power Iso dari Internet

Power Iso Internet lagi-lagi menjadi bahan pembicaraaan, karena internet memang memiliki banyak fungsi bagi kita bersama jika kita kaji lebih dalam. dan dalam kesempatan kali ini blog Internet akan menjelaskan apa itu Power isu dan bagaimana cara menggunakannya.

Cari Rute rumah teman atau kenalan di Internet

Cara mencari rute di internet, emang bisa? Dengan Internet jangankan mencari rute, mencari belahan hatipun dapat dilakukan :D. Internet, siapa yang tak kenal dengan internet begitu juga cara menggunakannya banyak orang awam dapat pinta melalui internet contohnya saja, seorang anak yang tidak sekolah dan tidak tahu tentang pelajaran TIK dan bagimana menyalakan komputer, tapi ketika bermain game online ia sangat lancar dan mengetahui trik-trik dan cara-caranya, meskipun ada sebagian mereka yang selalu dituntun oleh temannya. namu n ada baiknya bagi pembaca yang memang pernah bersekolah untuk memanfaatkan sebijak-bijaknya internet.  Bagaimana Mencari Rute?

Telpon Gratis via Internet

Telephone berjam-jam tanpa PULSA? Internet selain tempat mencari dan menambah informasi ternyata Internet juga merupakan tempat komunikasi sebagaimana tujuan internet pada awalnya adalah dibentuk untuk membantu berkomunikasi antara Militer Amerika karena pada waktu itu perang dunia ke II sedang berlangsung.  Telephone Gratis?